Never been so thankful for Pinball Pete’s

The car has glass in it, and is able to be driven. Which puts me back to the repair that I was -about- to have done before a tree fell on it. Heh.

Ever see a seven year old video game lover walk into an arcade for the first time? I have, and it was just about the coolest thing ever. I even have one of those cheesy four-picture Polaroids to commemorate it. It’s hanging in my cube, labeled “My first Father’s Day, Hunter & Dave, June 2008.” Also, he told the waitress at Emil’s that I was his “part-Dad”, and I don’t think that I could have smiled any bigger. If you’re scratching your head, wondering how a guy without kids celebrated Father’s Day, read this post.

I have fifteen virtual servers running SETI@home on an OpenVZ test box. I’ve been working on this project in my spare time here at work for a long time, and it feels like I’ve earned a whole slew of geek points.