I’ve now installed Myst Online: URU Live on a couple of machines running Linux Mint 21.1. It wasn’t as straightforward as I would have hoped. The below steps worked for me, and I hope they’ll work for you!
- Open Software Manager, and install Lutris
- Install the Flatpack version, rather than the Linux Mint package. The latter halts when it tries to run Wine.
- Confirm via the Software Manager that Wine is installed.
- Open Lutris
- Here you will be tempted to use Lutris’ config/installer for the game. Don’t do that. It’ll install, and even launch the game, but the installer hangs before completing, so it never adds the game to the list.
- Download the game installer from Myst Online’s site.
- Click on the + button in Lutris to add a game.
- Select “Install a Windows game from media”
- Enter the game’s name and click Continue
- Click Install
- Make with the clicky on the options you want, then click Install
- Click the Browse button and navigate to the installation file that you downloaded.
- Click Continue
- You will now be kicked into the Windows installer for Myst Online: URU Live. Do the same things you’d do in Windows.
- When the installation finishes, it will ask you if you want to launch the game. Tell it the same thing you tell those phone calls asking about your car’s extended warranty. Just say no.
- The installation should complete, and you should now have the game listed in Lutris.
- Launch the game from Lutris. It will go through all of the updating that is normal during a first launch.
- Enjoy the 20-year-old MMO!