Ice Age, Cars, and The Prophecy

When a two year old loves a movie, it gets watched. A lot. Over and over. As a consequence, I can quote a great deal of Ice Age. I have to say that my opinion has risen, as well. The Tae Kwon Dodos crack me up every time. Zeke the sabertoothed tiger steals the show from the other sabers, and the non-speaking humans (Neanderthals?) show an amazing amount of heart. “Hey, Lord of the Flame, your tail’s on fire.” Four stars out of five.

Another of Aidan’s favorites. I had mostly dismissed these CGI movies out of hand, like most kids’ movies. This one had character development, plot progression, and I actually cared about what was going on. Of course, I’ve seen this one about a trillion and one times, as well. “This might be a bad time, but you owe me thirty-four thousand dollars in legal fees. Uh-huh.” Heh. Four stars out of five.

This one has nothing to do with Aidan. No, really. I think I saw this one for the first time back when I was seventeen and working for Blockbuster. My memory of it was hazy, but I had a favorable impression of it. So, I added -all- of the Prophecy movies to my queue. Overkill? Perhaps. But that’s how I do things. :) Anyway, this one was as good as I remembered it, if not better. Christopher Walken as Gabriel, constantly referring to humans as “talking monkeys”, and needing them for “talking monkey things”. It was dated, sure, and setup was sacrificed for pace, but that didn’t seem to detract from my ability to suspend disbelief. Five stars out of five.