Anyone out there using Liferea as an RSS reader? Ever had it lose your back list of unread entires? Is it too much to ask for a feed reader to handle more than three thousand back entries? And how come the Twitter feed entries aren’t saved? *flails* Google Reader cuts you off at a thousand entries, and won’t pass user names and passwords for protected entries (such as LJ). Am I demanding too much of RSS? Shouldn’t this be local archiving so I can catch up at my leisure?
I’d forgotten that Rhythmbox has integration. Looks like I’m back on that horse again. Once I entered my data, the copy of my playlist that I’d allowed it to keep was uploaded with the quickness. One part awesome, one part scary. My profile. I’ve embedded the Big Brother Music List into my user profile. :)
Anybody have an example of typical LLC bylaws that I could have or borrow for a while?
We completely cleaned Aidan’s and Hunter’s rooms yesterday.
Ha, I was right! The voice for Wreck-Gar in Transformers: Animated is Weird Al! Definitely a good follow-up to Eric Idle (1986 movie)… not to mention he got to say “Dare to be stupid!” I giggled a lot when I heard that. There’s so many wonderful nods to the original series.