Thoughts from Work

Compiled on Friday

The world is ending. Not only did I find a chin strap for use with my CPAP machine online, but I’ve added info to Cian’s baby book. Commence with the locusts and such.

has started using a cane today, which has increased her mobility greatly. She’s got Peter over, as well as Mom and , so she should have all the help that she needs. That is, if she’ll accept it. Heh. We’re going to be checking out a Chiropractor, to see if they can be of any help while we wait for the medical system to catch up.

Giving serious thought to changing my writery page to a wordpress one, with the blog on a side page, and importing my disparate blogs into one, and then crossposting to both it and LJ and possibly Blogger all at once. It seems cleaner, somehow.

So, is right. I’ve been dragging my feet in getting out of the house. Okay, more like I’ve sealed my feet in a cement block which I’ve then embedded into the house’s foundation. Anyway, I’m thinking of making a weekly or every-other-weekly trip to someplace in Lansing, probably Gone Wired to start. Anybody who wants to join is welcome. In honor of my Grandfather, I’m thinking of calling it the Round Table. Come and catch up, BS, drink coffee, eat food, whatevah.