Final Stages

I have a choice to make about the first Adam’s Name novella.

I can either go the traditional publishing route with it, or I can self-publish again.

If I think that the work is good enough, once the edits and rewrite are done, I have the option to  begin navigating the slush piles of the markets publish novellas. If I think that the work is not quite good enough, but as another step in my journey toward professionally publishable, I can self-publish, as I have in the past.  If I get a bee in my bonnet about the traditional publishing industry vs. building my audience through non-traditional publishing, I have the option of creating another project or two with Lulu (trade paperback, ebook). If I go that route, there are some things to consider:

Cover artist – I’ll need a cover. Unlike past books, I have a more specific idea of what I want on the cover, and what style of art I’d want used.  This would require a commission, most likely. I’d love to support an artist in this way, that’s for sure.

Professional editor – No matter which route I go, I’d want the piece to be professionally edited.  I could contract out for this, which might be a wee bit expensive, but I think it would be more than worth it. There’s also the option of my wife, who has two associate degrees, one in literature and one in writing. She is looking to be an editor professionally, and this might be a good feather in her cap.

Why do I keep putting things in hats?

If I self-publish, I’m going to need some cash, at least for the cover art. Kickstarter might be a good place to go to raise some funds, with copies of the novella, possibly also a chapbook, as rewards. I’d need to see if there are any details, tax wise, about how I need to represent myself (person or LLC or something) to make sure that I don’t end up losing the money that should be going toward the Kickstarter purpose.

Definitely needs some thought.

One thought on “Final Stages

  1. In my eyes self publishing isn’t any less professional and in some ways smarter because you retain so much more control of the process. The downside of it though is you do almost everything.

    All writers need a great editor and I envy you in the fact that your wife has the skills to be just that.

    If I can cut myself loose from this hellish time sink of a day job we should talk about your cover ideas and see if our styles mesh.

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