A few days ago, I had composed a brilliant post in my head. I’d framed my thoughts about joining Pampered Chef with . I’d worked in all my ideas about selling, networking, and showing off the products. I’d come up with a good way to explain how we’d start with our friends and family, and create a larger network of possible customers from there. After all, friends and family aren’t customers. They’re friends and family. I neglected to write down my brilliant and/or cheesy turns of phrase, and so it was all lost to the mists. Last night, in an attempt to jump-start my brain into re-creating the original masterpiece, I wrote this:
“How do I sell? How do I share my exuberance about a product – actual, real excitement – with others? In a professional setting or a fun one? How do I express that I love using these products without sounding cheesy and/or coming across like I’m trying to pressure my friends into buying something that they don’t want and/or need?
I’ve been using Pampered Chef tongs and angled measuring cups and the liquid/dry measuring cup since put on a show in the Fairview house. When I moved in with , I got access to a ridiculous amount of the tools – garlic press, pizza cutter (squee!), and cheese grater, just to name a few.”
I didn’t end up finishing… Cian ended up falling asleep, and so I snagged the opportunity to sleep. I have to admit, I’m kind of wishing for the same situation right about now. Heh.
Put plainly and simply, it’s an opportunity to add to our income by selling products that we buy ourselves.
I won’t push anyone to host a show or to buy any products. If you want to check out the online catalog, and you happen to see products that you and your friends would enjoy, we’d be happy to put on a show for you. Hosts get free products, too, depending on how much their show earns.
Me, I can’t wait for my hinged grease spatter screen. Nikki’s biting her nails for her cutting board with drop-in measuring cups. Yeah, we’re addicted. :)