Attention: Writers

From :

“first off, writers and writer-wannabes: do you have any favorite LJ communities that are writing related? i’ve promised myself i’d do something with this 1/3 done draft and i’m at a point where i could use some advice or guidance on the next step(s).”



TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus philosopher Bertrand Russell gave this testimony about what motivated him: “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and an unbearable pity for the suffering of humanity.” To be in maximum alignment with cosmic rhythms, Taurus, I suggest that you boil down your desires to a slightly altered version of Russell’s: a longing to both give and receive love, a hunger for knowledge, and a yearning to alleviate the suffering of your fellow humans.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): For the last nine years the daffodils in my yard have blossomed in mid-February. This time around, however, their yellow blooms sprouted in the first week of January. Another sign of global warming? I don’t know. So far the flowers’ early arrival hasn’t been a problem. They’re still going strong, showing a hardy resistance to sporadic bursts of cold and rain. According to my astrological analysis, Taurus, you have also ripened a bit prematurely. Ahead of schedule, you’ve accomplished your upgrade and are ready to try your hand at a spicier challenge. Like the daffodils, you will probably do fine. Just one piece of advice, though: Don’t scrimp on your efforts to protect and nurture yourself.