
I really shouldn’t be posting, but I’m doing it anyway. Under the wire again. Last minute again. I shouldn’t do this well under pressure. All attempts at avoiding procrastination were met with… procrastination.

But, forward. Plow through the morass of non-specific and vague essay questions on a take-home final.

Forward, I say!


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is the one of the shortest horoscopes I have ever written for you. That’s because there is just one simple message, which you should take to heart in a hundred ways. Are you ready? Trust yourself as you have never trusted yourself before. Trust your perceptions, your feelings, and your body. Trust your bratty whims, your weird longings, and your momentary lapses. Trust your urge to merge, your itch to bitch, and your yearning to learn. Trust your ability to know exactly how to trust.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “In my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” President George W. Bush spoke those words to the press during his meditations on overhauling Social Security, but I could have easily said the same thing about my job. This week, for instance, I’m going to catapult my benevolent propaganda in three different ways. Ready for the onslaught? (1) “The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken,” said Samuel Johnson. (Which is why you should break a budding bad habit now, even though you can barely feel it.) (2) To wake yourself up from the trance you’ve been in, pinch yourself with both hands as you simultaneously kick yourself in the butt. (3) “Every act of becoming conscious is an unnatural act.” -Adrienne Rich.

Apparently I can’t stop posting. My only thing left to do (in the 2 and a half hours that I have left) at work is vacuum.

I just downloaded this new version of Semagic from Ishikawa, Japan. I love that.

If you could go back and talk to yourself at age 16, what 5 things would you say?

1. You are as smart as you think, but it won’t matter as much later on.

2. Chill out on the whole getting laid thing. It’ll happen, and you might even regret who it ends up being with.

3. Long hair ends up looking good on you. Who knew?


5. Throw out that oversized B.U.M. shirt. It may feel good, but it sucks.

Yoinked from

David: Beloved
Name Origin: Hebrew
Number of Syllables: 2.00
Gender: Male

More interesting facts about the name David:

Lucky Number: 4
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Primary Color: Green
Traits: Inclined to appear strange and eccentric because s/he is usually ahead of her/his time. Very interested in the occult; in psychic research. Inclined to do anything out of the ordinary. Strong intuitive tendencies. Can be bitingly sarcastic if crossed. Believes in liberty and equality. Can usually predict the probable outcome of actions and businesses.

I don’t really have a lucky number that I know of. Uranus is just funny. I’m way more Earth, though I tend to surround myself with Air signs. Green is ‘s favorite color, and the color of my childhood bedroom. Walls, curtains, bedspread, everything. My favorite color is a deep purple or black, though. The rest of the paragraph is startling.


Does anybody know a reputable and free site for getting a credit score and report?

I’m loathe to click on any advertisements, even on a Mac using Safari or Firefox.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.