Something to do…

Hey and ! Amy (aka The Wyrm) relayed this to me:

7-9 p.m.
Ann Arbor Area Writer’s Group : Arborland Borders.Every Tuesday. Local writers invited to bring samples of their writing to read and discuss. Observers welcome. Borders art & architecture section, 3527 Washtenaw. Free.


It becomes difficult to maintain decent morale when the queue goes down to zero while I’m on lunch, and comes back to 4 when I log back in.

You’d be paranoid too, if everyone was out to get you.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A surfer from California recently collected his 15 minutes of fame when he rode his board for the 10,407th consecutive day. During those 28 years, Dale Webster never took a vacation. To keep his mornings free, he worked exclusively at low-paying night jobs. He surfed on the day his daughter was born and the day he passed kidney stones. His eyes now have scar tissue because he has gazed into the sun for so long, and he’s literally afraid to stop surfing for even 24 hours. I nominate him to be both your role model and anti-role model, Taurus. It’s a perfect time to commit yourself with fierce passion to a long-term dream, but only if you promise not to let your devotion degenerate into manic obsession.