Thanksgiving Weekend

I give thanks for my family. I give thanks for my ability to support them in this ridiculous economy. I give thanks that I still have my health and my sanity. I give thanks for the opportunities that I have had, continue to have, and that my family has. I give thanks for a wife who supports me, thinks of me, and cares about me. I give thanks for three sons, all of whom likely see me as a better man than I am. I give thanks for two parents who still see me for all that I can be, and a brother who is, as Hunter put it, awesome.

I give thanks for everyone and everything in my life. Also, for leftovers.

Aside from a ridiculous amount of delicious homemade food, including a deep fried turkey, much nerdery was had on Turkey-day. I learned about the differences between .dmg and .iso (not much) and between compressed and uncompressed .dmg (quite a bit). I helped to pull a shaved kitten worth of cat hair and dust out of a laptop. Never got around to working on the server, but that’s fine. I was shown a Linux distro that’s meant to be a router/firewall combo. Just all kinds of geekishness going on.

I am -so- close to having the Todd story go to print. SO CLOSE, I tells ya. I’m on pins and needles just thinking about it.

I’m trying out EVE Online, and am finding myself just as frustrated with the crashing and lagging as I was with Myst Online. Being immersed in the story will make up for a lot. So far, the technical difficulties have outweighed the benefits. So, I unpacked Myst IV and Myst V, set them on the shelf next to Nikki’s Everquest II box, and popped Myst III: Exile into the PS2.

If I’m going to start gaming again, why would I ignore the ones I’ve already purchased?