[Excerpt] Adam’s Name

I wrote this yesterday, after finally getting over a block about the kids involved in the Little City Mafia. I couldn’t get them from Lansing to Detroit properly, and thought it would be really contrived and jarring, as once again, geography ends up playing an important part in the story. So, lo and behold, they’re now the Motor City Mafia.

I always hated geography. :) Everyone, meet Seth and Susan. They’re going to be terrible for each other, I can just tell. To set the scene, Seth and Susan are passing a notebook back and forth to each other across a table.


True. Or maybe they wish they were, and are only a group of guys who think they’re waiting for their day when they’re only waiting for death.

Seth looked up at her, concerned at this morbid turn. She sipped her pop, trying to hide the same smile that had set him off in the first place. Maybe if he could get her mind working, thinking of possibilities, she would let go of whatever it was that was getting under her skin.

Either way, with a middle-man like John, a desire to be who they’re trying to be, and an advisor like Sol, it could be done.

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