
There have been all kinds of writery things going on lately, and it’s extremely exciting.

and I are going to WindyCon in November! Chicago-area sci-fi/fantasy fandom, here I come. We’re bringing books, teasers, hopefully some ribbons, and the intent to wow them with how awesome I am. Er, my book is. Heh.

The Steven page has been updated with new behind-the-script fiction. If you’ve been keeping up on it, this is the first part where any consequences start to become important.

I am all signed up for National Novel Writing Month. If you’re not familiar, I’ll be attempting to write an entire novel in one month. Yes, indeed, it’s the sequel to The Remembrance.

There are all kinds of updates to my home page, mostly around the “Where’s Dave” section. There are now pictures of each of the events that I’ve been to so far. Not only that, but you can leave comments or discuss the pics that are there. Check it out if you get a few moments. Also, all of these announcements went out a while ago on the Google Group (mailing list), so if you’re interested, or if you have a friend who would be, feel free to sign up.

I think that’s it on the writer front. I haven’t been making a lot of time for writing, but I’ve been sick as a dog for the last couple of weeks, recovering and then not. But that’s another post. :)