Weekly Word Count

Next little installment of Adam’s name is up! It’s here!

Word count graphics are fixed! They’re here!

In the middle of my pseudo-quarantine due to excessive coughing and throat that’s hanging in ribbons, I bring you the Weekly Word Count! I’m continuing to make little tweaks to the web site as I update and add bits that I’ve written.

Any comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. :) Also, I’m thinking of re-writing the first five or so chapters of The Remembrance, to make it a bit more palatable to potential agents and publishers. I worry, though, about losing the freedom that I have publishing through Lulu. I feel like I’m riding the front wave of a change in how information is purchased and disseminated. I have control, and I own the rights. And yet, if you want to buy my book from Borders, you’re going to run into problems, because my distribution house is owned by Barnes & Noble.

So, I dunno. Again, any input is appreciated.

Adam’s Name