Watching the price.

While in the Borders in Brighton yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice their Title Sleuth kiosks. After finding out that The Remembrance was available for special order at Schuler’s (who, as far as I know, uses Borders as a supplier), I decided to find out if it was available there.

Now, because Ingram, my distributor, is affiliated with Barnes and Noble, I’ve had a hard time with finding my title in both Schuler’s and Borders stores in the past. Not any longer, apparently. Not only was it listed as available for special order, it was listed at a price 1 penny cheaper than I sell it for.

The Remembrance for $14.99

You can even avoid Shipping and Handling charges by ordering it to the store closest to you, and then picking it up.

Do not, by any means, abandon your non-chain, independent book stores. I’m still waiting to hear whether or not Everybody Reads wants to re-order (going in and requesting a copy might help, I dunno *hint, hint*), and I know that the Way Station still has copies. There are inroads being made in Ann Arbor, as well. *crosses fingers*

In other news, the camera work in Cloverfield was nauseating, as expected. got hit harder than I did. But, oh, wow, what a movie. No kid gloves -at all-. I actually jumped in my seat a few times. I cared about the characters. There are some plot holes, but I was totally drawn in. Immersed, even. *thumbs-up*