Battlestar Galactica: Season 3, American History X, and This is England

Character death? Did someone say character death? Did someone let George R. R. Martin into the writer’s room? My guess is that yes, he was there, talking about football and when to destroy the dreams and potential of whichever particular character that you were just starting to like.

Make no mistake, I loved this season, and that’s part of why. I really dislike kid gloves, and Season 3 takes off the kid gloves, takes off the adult gloves, and peels off three layers of skin from the hands. And then, at the very end, it chops off your hands, slaps you with them, and then takes you out to a movie and buys you dinner.

There’s not much that I can say about this season without spoilerizing it. I’ll just leave this little teaser for you. At least four of the last five Cylons are revealed. Five stars. And I have it on good authority that Season 4 is even -more- screwed up. I can’t wait!

I’d never pictured the dude from Fight Club, Edward Norton, as a tough guy. Really, as a muscley guy at all. And as a skinhead? Woah. This movie was truly amazing, and nailed nearly every single thing I look for in a movie. I was caught up, I was emotionally involved and invested in the characters, and the ending wasn’t rushed and didn’t take the easy way out. I really didn’t expect to see the girl from The Craft there, either. If you get the chance, see this movie. Five stars.

Apparently, I was on a bit of a skinhead run. Maybe I’m trying to figure out my cousin. Who knows? This one was recommended to me a while back, but I don’t remember who did it. This one’s got a bit more of an innocent cast to it than the other, due to the age and circumstances of the main character. Again, I was invested in the characters, and it was a great film. You could tell that it was an independent film, but the actors were amazing. The actor that played Tommy in Snatch was another surprise showing. That man can play really diverse roles. The ending was inevitable, but not labored. Four stars.