I see you.

So, there I was, standing triumphant over the slain tyrannical warlord, my bloody sword held aloft in my left hand, totem of power, crackling with lightning, in my right. Looking over to the princess, chained to the wall, I said…

Huh. I think the coffee kicked in.I see you!

I’ve just uploaded the files for Fight or Flight #0 to the printer.  Then the review copy will be on its way into my grubby little paws. Much mad cackling will ensue upon its arrival, I don’t mind tellin’ ya. MUCH. Ahh, I’ve got that nervous excitement welling up in my chest, right underneath my sternum. This is just one of the good things that have quickly cropped up in seeming response to my decision to finish purging unneeded things.

So, keep your calendars nearby, dear readers (or in another tabbed browser window). I will soon have a release party to plan.

Sale at Lulu

As both the hardcover of The Remembrance and the trade paperback of Todd’s Story are only available through Lulu, I figured that I should clue you guys in to a sale that they’ve got going on until 15 July.

Enter coupon code BIG305 at checkout and receive 20% off your order. The maximum savings for this offer is $100. Enter coupon code BIGGER305 at checkout and receive 25% off your order of $500 or more. The maximum savings for this offer is $500.


Good Reason for Radio Silence

Almost 4 weeks ago, on 10 June 2011, Acelyn Elizabeth Crampton came into the world.  She is a healthy little girl, and we are enraptured with her.

While we aren’t getting much sleep (and by we, I mean mostly my wife), she is already sleeping more steadily than her brother did until he was about 10 months old.  She is just now noticing that we have faces, and pays very close attention to them and how they are moving.  I can’t wait for her to start mimicking expressions and for her to realize that those arms, legs, hands, and feet are hers.

As usually happens with new babies, every moment of our days and nights are taken up with taking care of her.  Her older brothers are all proving that they can take being her big brother very seriously, and are doing everything that they can to chip in.  We’re trying to make sure that they’re included in her birth and growing up, instead of being pushed aside.  As with Cian and his older brothers, it seems to be working rather well.  In all honesty, I would have never thought of it… all credit for that idea goes to my brilliant wife.

With the lack of free time, I’m taking notice of a pattern that I seem to have in my life.  When do I come up with the great, inspired ideas?  When I have no means or time in which to accomplish them.  When do I have the most drive and motivation?  When I am unable to take action.  I have the sneaking suspicion that my brain is tricking itself.  When there is no ability to do a thing, there is no associated risk with it.  I don’t have to fear failure, I don’t have to fear success.  I am safe to dream, because I’m barred from action.

Well, I’ve decided to double-trick my brain.  This barring of action due to every moment being either spent with Acelyn, or with the boys, or with the wife, or doing chores around the house… it’s a lie that I’ve told myself.  I’ve scraped some time out of my lunch hour at work, and during my shifts to stay awake at night during feedings*, and I’ve managed to get words down on paper.  I’ve nearly completed the scripts for Issue 2 of Fight or Flight, and have some crazy new ideas for The Glass Crown.  Remarkably, the fear of both failure and success has kept quiet during this double-trick.

Maybe my wife was right all along.  Maybe I can write and be a parent at the same time.

*Nursing can give a strong feeling of euphoria.  When tired, this can easily lead to falling asleep.  As I have a sleep disorder, we’re trying to avoid co-sleeping with Acelyn as much as possible.  So, when the wife crashes while nursing, I stay up until the baby is done, burp her, and put her to bed.  We swap shifts for this duty every three hours, and except for a few missteps on my part, it’s working out quite well.

Interviewed for a school paper

Is it wrong to be geeked about being interviewed for a school paper?  If it is, then I don’t want to be right!  After asking for and receiving permission, I’ve decided to post our back-and-forth here.  Enjoy!

Maddie: Why do you choose to write science fiction?

Dave: It was less of a choice, and more of an interest that I have always had, as far back as I can remember.  I’ve read science fiction and fantasy (short version: genre) fiction since I graduated from reading the Hardy Boys a long time ago.  Since then, there have been stories in my mind that I want to get down on paper.  I write what I like to read.

Maddie: Do you feel that science fiction is generally held to lower esteem than other genres?  If so, why do you think that is? 

Dave: That depends entirely on your definition of “esteem”.  I think that it has struggled a bit in popularity in the same way that I struggled back in high school.  It’s not well liked by everyone, takes small facets of society, science, and personality, and blows it out of proportion to see how it works.  That can make people nervous… it’s easier to make small talk with the action novel / star athlete.  Genre fiction is entertaining, but it doesn’t shy away from addressing serious topics.

Maddie: Do you believe that escapist literature is important?  Why? 

Dave: I certainly do.  Everybody needs an escape, and I don’t want TV or movies to be my only options.  If I can exercise my brain muscle (did I really just say that?) AND escape to a high-tech land where interplanetary travel is the norm?  Win!

Maddie: What can good science fiction offer that other genres of literature are unable to deliver? 

Dave: I’m not a competitive person by nature.  Other genres can offer most of the same benefits that genre fiction can, but they can’t offer them in a way that will snag a genre fiction reader.  It all boils down to what you like.

Maddie:  In what ways do you feel that science fiction impacts our culture/society? 

Dave: In the same ways that other fiction does, with the added bonus of shaping what our future toys might look like.

Maddie:  What novels do you feel are the most important/ have had the most impact on either the genre of science fiction or on our society? 

Dave: Anything written by Isaac Asimov.  The man invented the term “Robotics”.

Maddie:  Is there anything else you would like to add? 

Dave: I feel the urge to plug, so here it goes.  I have both a fantasy novel and an urban fantasy/horror novella available for purchase.  Where and how can be found at my website:


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Glass Crown, Chapter 8, done!

You read that right.  The first draft of Chapter 8 is done and sent out to the Alpha Readers.  Yes, of course they get capital letters.  Why wouldn’t they?

Also, I don’t want to jinx it, but I’ve had cause and opportunity to update word counts in the “In Progress” section of the writery site far more often than I have in the past.

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I wrote more words. Almost done with Chapter 8. It’s hard to write from the Right Hand’s perspective. He has no awe whatsoever. How am I supposed to write about the Crown, the Left Hand, and the throne room through a man with no awe? Harumph.

In other news, I need to find a way to get my two year old to stop licking things and people.

Dusting off an old draft post.

“We had Cian’s birthday party this weekend, and I’d call it a huge success.”

I’d still call it a huge success.  You might even be able to see some of it here.  Also, you are jealous of my slippers.

“LJ Comment spam on the post about the miscarriage.”

I had a lot of rage about this.  I know that this kind of thing is automated, but whatever piece of code did it, they chose poorly.  When someone comments on one of my posts, I receive an alert via email.  So, when the comment spam hit, I got an email, with the original post front and center.  It’s still painful, the loss of a child I never met, and this revisiting was neither helpful nor appreciated.

“Even at room temperature, Tim Hortons coffee is yummy.”

Yup.  Still true.

Chapter 8 of The Glass Crown is inching along again.  I got some words down on my lunch break, and I’m pretty happy about it.  The Right Hand really is a jerk.  The things that he’s doing to Robin and Caroline, just to see how they’ll stir the pot…  you know, he might make a good writer.  ;)

Site Maintenance

Just a short little geek note.  I’ve created WordPress pages for each of my published works.  Now, when you click on one of the cover images, you’ll go to a page with the cover image, the blurb about the book, and a list of where and how you can get it.

I’m planning to add EPUB on the end of those lists very soon.  Keep your eyes peeled.

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