Popping up on radar for a moment

Changing dirty diapers has moved to the easier end of the scale. It’s when the human waste ends up on the -outside- of its intended receptacle that it becomes difficult.

Christmas shopping for the boys is done, and we’ve been out shopping for either that or the house nearly EVERY day of the week.

And we all know how much I LURVE shopping.

Hunter’s been with his Dad for the last few weekends, plus the Mondays and Tuesdays. I miss him a bunch. Aidan’s been clingy enough to make up for it, though. ‘s got PT for her hip, Aidan’s got a yearly checkup this week, and holy crap busy.

Okay, so this is a classic. Like my not having read Dune (despite having seen both versions), not having seen Blade Runner plunked me into the “unread heathen” category of Science Fiction fan. Let alone having the cred to write. So, out of all of the different cuts and edits of the movie, I figured the “Final Cut” was the best. It being final and everything.

It’s likely that I wasn’t impressed because I’ve seen these tropes over and over and over again. Granted, this was the movie that originated them, but it wasn’t the first that had hit me, so it was the same-old same-old for me. I totally dug the noir aspects of the movie, the “more of the same” future that is shared by Firefly/Serenity, and the human/replicant love interest. I disliked the thuggishness of the main character, but I admired his tenacity. If I had seen it earlier in my life, it would have probably made more of an impact. Three stars.

This anime was just as psychotic as I remember it being. Eyebrows. Robots popping out of heads. Guitars as weapons. Sexual innuendo… er… more of a beating you over the head. Less of the innuendo. Factories that look like clothes irons that aren’t really factories. Other robots that look like hands. Eyebrows?! Three stars.

Still only had two interviews. I have applied for nearly forty jobs. Still going. Working on another possibility. We shall see how that develops. Vagueness will continue until something concrete is developed.

I hope that everyone can stay sane this Holiday season. :)

Dropped off the face of the earth

Yeah, I’ve been gone for a couple of weeks. There’s some news, and there’s some reasons, and there’s some mixing of the two. Yeah, vague, I know. Some of it’s purposeful. If you want clarification, feel free to hit me up on IM. I probably won’t be clarifying in the comments here, and there are good reasons for that.

I’m no longer working for Great Lakes Comnet/CoreNetworks. I was not expecting it, nor did I leave the company of my own volition. Legally, that’s all I can say.

I am looking for new employment, and have been for two weeks.

I can’t say how much I’ll check back on my backlogged friends’ page. I’ve been without reliable computer since I returned the work laptop. I’ve got Puppy Linux running on Nikki’s old laptop, and it works fine until I get Pidgin running. Then it kernel panics. Soooo.. putting Debian on a G3 tower, and I’ll be finding out what its max ram is. I’ll make that my workstation until I find something better.

Yeah, even (or especially) when stress levels get high, and life throws changes my way, I geek out with old equipment. Sue me. :)

Hunter’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese was a complete success and an absolute blast. He’s 8 years old now, and has earned/been gifted with enough money that he’s purchased his own Playstation 2. We’ve got a deal going about behaving and doing well at school, and earning money by doing it. Seems to be working well.

Cian, the baby in the oven, is kicking like a crazy person. I’ve felt him, and talked to him, and generally been embarrassingly cute about everything.

Stress is a bit high, so my temper is a bit short. I’m really working on it, and I’m really working on fighting depression. Maybe I need to throw in a few more reallys. Really.


It’s gonna be a boy!

Yesterday, we found out that we’ll be having a boy. I’m gonna have a son! And to answer your question, yes, we’ve picked out a name.

Cian Michael Crampton.

The first name is pronounced kee-ahn, and is an Irish name. There’s more info here.

Who was it that joked about mini-Skippys running around?

Closing a tab:

This is a heartwarming story about a cab driver and his fare. I misted up while I was reading it, and I highly recommend it.

Random Updatery

Every time I see ‘s food photos, it makes me want to do that too. But then I realize that my food is already in my belly. Maybe keeping track of what I eat through photo-blogging it would help me conceptualize my portions and quality of food intake.

I am registered to vote. Also, my address is updated on my driver’s license.

Parenting seems to involve a lot of trying to affix pattern to pattern-less situations. Like trying to find a key to a lock that you’re not sure even exists. How do you solve a problem when it’s only cause is given as “I dunno.”?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I usually don’t have to tell you Bulls how important it is to finish what you’ve started. You are, after all, among the top three signs of the zodiac when it comes to following through. But just in case you’ve momentarily fallen under the sway of a delusion that would encourage you to escape before the resolution is fully in place, I’m here to remind you: It’s time to make the art of completion your graceful obsession.

I got to hang out with yesterday, which was good. Sometimes, you need to pretend like you’ve only got enough money for a double cheeseburger and fries. Sometimes, you’ve just got to mix the ketchup and mayo, and enjoy it like you’ve got nothing else.

I have a crap ton of tabs to close. But I’m going to post them all slow-like, to emphasize how far behind I am on, well, everything. :) I present to you My Hope, which I discovered through .

Renaissance Festival

Now, it should be known that I’m not a fan of the RenFest. It’s usually either unbearably hot and dusty, or rainy and muddy. There are usually bees EVERYWHERE. And I usually get put in the jail. I haven’t enjoyed singing “I’m a little teapot” since Cub Scouts.

The last time I’d gone, the event itself outshone its setting. ‘s wedding to . It was hot and muggy, with the sun beating down on me so hard that I thought I was going to explode. Also, it was a mistake to wear a black suit. Big mistake. Also, BEES. But, the wedding itself and the beginning of MellyHAWTness’s marriage were wonderful and important enough that it didn’t get me down.

Of course, I whined. I’d never say that I didn’t whine. Heh.

This time was totally different. It was sunny, but cool. There was a great breeze. I was wearing my Utilikilt (thanks !) and a shirt that was made for me by Izzy. Yes, it was cream colored. Yes, I wore an almost-white shirt. Loose-collared, with a lace tie. And thanks to those I went with, I was reminded to bring a walking stick for when (not if) my knees would start bothering me. I had some money to spend, I had a few goals to shop for, and I had a seven-year-old to share the experience with.

It was amazing. Absolutely fun as hell. I bought an awesome hat, a sweet journal (yes, another one) thanks to Hunter, some garlic garnish shake that’s just made of yum… okay, I might be getting ahead of myself.

The trip over was a little worrisome. I was grumpy without coffee, and McDonald’s coffee just wasn’t going to do it. Orange juice was a pleasant substitute, though. We arrived, people got finished changing, bathroom was found for younglings, and we entered the Fest (after passing by the Comcast booth). I was still dragging my feet, and visibly forcing myself to enjoy the time there. Coffee from one of the booths helped. Plunking down some money for some silly Taurean-type wooden horns to tie on my head helped. The clock ticking over to 1:00 PM really helped. I’m not sure what the primary trigger was, if there was one, but around 1:00 PM, I perked up. I started really enjoying myself.

I found myself smiling easily, instead of forcibly, and both and tapered off in their concerned proddings of “are you sure you’re all right?” I found a warhammer that I really, really wanted. Of course, not having the $200 and having kids in the house were pretty strong de-motivators for purchase. Someday, my preciousssss…

Next was eatin’ and drinkin’. I had a turkey leg and a cup of mead, which was delicious^2. Nikki’s pizza didn’t agree with her, but she was still having nausea issues, and her corset (even tied as loosely as it was) wasn’t treating her stomach very nicely. We then meandered into the wine tasting area, where we were offered sips from other friends who had taken the tour, and most of the mead was yummy there. After that? More shopping. :) My knees were complaining a bit at this point, so I was thankful for the walking stick. Normally, I’d also be sweating gallons at this point, and miserable. But the light-colored and open shirt made the fest more than bearable. I picked up a shaker of the Garlic Garni next, and then had Hunter run up to me shouting about books at the top of his lungs. He’d found a store that sold blank books, “just like you like!” I smiled ear to ear, and boy, was he right.

Now, I’m determined not to buy another notebook for a VERY long time. VERY. However, if it strikes your fancy, you can either go to the Holly RenFest, or you can go here: http://www.thejournalguy.com/ I highly recommend these books. Paper made from recycled cotton, not from trees. Natural leather covers, traditional leather cord binding. The texture alone makes me squee.

From that shop, we strolled some more, and then found a shop selling hats. Big hats. XL hats. They were a little tight, until I found the soft suede one. Fit my head like a glove. A HAT THAT FIT MY HEAD. Boom. Money on counter, hat is mine. I’ve been looking for a hat in a style like this for YEARS. So, I took off my horns of awesomeness, put on my hat, and took Hunter over to the bungee launch-a-kid-as-high-as-they’ll-go ride, which had a loooong line. I learned all about “perfect nausea” from Hunter – achieving this was his goal. After a long wait, and cheering from both and me, he met his goal, with gusto! :)

Once that was done, we split up. Nikki did more shopping, and I took Hunter back to the horn vendor to spend the last of my duckets on a pair of wooden flaming horns for him. He loved them, even after needing to re-adjust the string fairly often, and we wandered in search of his mom. Eventually, we caught up, and joined the rest of our group over in front of the Jessica Galbreth booth. This happens to be right near where we started. And so, with a little bit more fairy tile/figurine/what-have-you shopping, we all left the fest, tired and satisfied.

Oh, and, um, hungry. Those poor saps at Olive Garden never saw my kilt comin’. ;)

Life update, part 3.

I have cut off the majority of my hairs. I now use product. The world is ending.

I am craving my journals. I must unpack my books. I must find my journals. My precioussss….

I don’t mind getting up at o’dark’thirty to take Hunter to school in the morning. Now if I could just remember everything he needed (clothes defendant upon predicted temp, does he want his hair spiked with gel or not, backpack with homework folder, must have socks with shoes, healthy snack for midday, lights and TV off upstairs, toilet flushed, teeth brushed, clothes not on the floor of the bathroom, I think that’s everything) every morning, I’ll be good.

He waves at me, until he’s in the doors. He hugs me when he leaves the car. It makes me feel like the most important person in the world.

has challenged me. It’s a writing challenge, and one I would have never picked up otherwise. The possibilities and implications are amazing and legion.

Did I mention that I need to find my journals? :) I need inspiration, and there’s some phrases that I’ve written that are going to help me take that first step in a completely new direction with a fresh story.

Does your writing ever get that not-so-fresh feeling?

Yeah, not so much with the sleep. More with the crazy. Also, I like wearing a tie.

I’m closer than I’ve ever been to . It feels really, really good to say that. To be that.

Things I need to write about:

  • RenFest
  • Xen
  • Spirituality

Okay, no more LJ posting for me until I’ve had some sleep.

Hunter digs the Lugnuts

Hunter digs the Lugnuts
Originally uploaded by Childe

My awesome employer took its employees and their families to a Lansing
Lugnuts game on Thursday, and it was Hunter and Nikki’s first. The
Lugnuts may have lost, but Nikki and Hunter got some cool souveneirs and
loved the fireworks. Aidan loved all the people, but ducked under his
blankie as soon as the fireworks started to boom.