Focus on the Goal

Back to the goal. Move the floaty bits down onto paper so that they’re more real. Summing up the conclusions thus far, and the resultant actions, pending or otherwise:

Full class load is too much.

  • Dropped all but the Japanese class.
  • Need to finalize sitter for while we’re both at class.

I am depressed.

  • Asked for help from the gods.
  • Need to apply for Ingham County health plan, as we’ve been denied for Medicaid.
  • Need to find a professional to talk to.

Starting my own company is worthwhile.

  • Stop doubting yourself, dumbass.
  • It’s okay to be idealistic. This is why you have the vision for the company’s future.
  • Stop holding back; this is worth putting your all into.

Job hunt.

  • Difficult to tell if this is worth it.

Then there’s the kids. When I hide, when I push away, they get a lot of it. They’re the ones that most often ask for attention (positive or negative), so they get rebuffed the most. And, of course, the constant denial just makes them want to try again and sends me farther up the Irritation Crazy Train.

Reaching for alone

A full-time job. I wanted a reason to not do all of the extra chores that I picked up when I got fired. I wanted a reason to bury myself in my headphones and shut everything else away. Of course, the reality is that with the both of us being full-time students, neither of us would have time to study by ourselves – we’d have to be watching the kids at the same time.

When I am depressed, I want to shut everything out. I want to be alone, be left alone, and float in the silence. Every noise, every phone ring, everybody who wants my attention irritates me more than the last, because they’re pulling me farther and farther away from where I want to be. It’s not a reasonable or rational desire, and that makes it impossible to express or explain without mountains of guilt.

I guess that my desire to work, even in a full-time job with a steady paycheck and insurance, isn’t as family-centered as it may have started out. It has selfish motivations as well – it gets me away. That explains why working from home was so attractive while I had an office job – it got me away from my co-workers. Or would have, had it ever happened. The idea that being left alone at home would be impossible had never crossed my mind.

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I need to prioritized. I need to categorize. I need to lay the information out in a grid so that it becomes something more solid than ephemeral floaty bits. What projects and priorities need a significant amount of my time and my focus? Family. My family is the foundation, the base line. For the next eighteen plus years, I will be deriving the “why” of almost everything that I do from family. They give me the love that I had been without for so long. They also put up with my shit. That’s something.

Everything that I put effort into must be in some way explicitly related. Job-hunting. That’s an easy one. A steady paycheck with benefits like insurance would return the stability that we’ve lost. That I’ve lost. It’s not a magic wand that will fix me or anybody else, but it would be a major relief. On the flip side, the search for said job is maddening. Every resume that isn’t responded to, every interview that goes nowhere, every rise and fall of hope is maddening. I end lower than where I began. Though it’s the interview process that causes this, I end up feeling like I am perpetuating, fueling, and pulling the lever on my own spiral into worthlessness. But a steady paycheck with insurance would be good for the family. So I continue.

I’ve got it down to a science, so it takes up 3 to 6 hours per week.

Starting my own company, take two. This is similar to the above in that the goal is to bring in money to the family. That’s the primary goal. What it lacks in things like stability, initial pay, and insurance (not to mention long-term benefits like retirement), it adds doing what I love, being my own boss, and putting my morals and ideals into a company. I’ll be able to show that you don’t have to be a dick to succeed in business. I can break the traditional rules, and I’m being given that chance. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that I’m doing this one for family, and not for me.

I’m giving this one about nine hours per week, but that will be going up shortly. Next week is our first focus-on-the-business-and-nothing-else meeting, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Writing. Whoo boy, this one’s loaded. It’s hard to make this one about the family, which means that it’s really not. The webcomic can bring in some money, and it will. So will the sequel, or any other novel that I can actually finish. Pure writing projects take years and years to start returning on the time investment that’s been put into them. I guess that that explains why I haven’t been putting much effort into them. They do serve as a release of stress, and as I told Nikki, they’re a detox of my brainmeats. Since I haven’t been working on them, I’m not sure if that detox would help me with my kid-based frustrations. It’s worth further thought.

I spend about two hours every three weeks on writing. Maybe less.

I now have the opportunity to return to school. President Obama has adopted a federal version of Governor Granholm’s “No Worker Left Behind” program. A new Pell Grant is available for “displaced workers,” which is PC for unemployed. Changing what it’s called doesn’t make me feel any better. Following my gut, I filled out the FAFSA, applied to LCC, and began to sign up for classes. I visited an advisor, picked a couple of possible majors, and plowed forward. My goals were twofold: (1) take a Japanese class, with the end goal of returning to MSU and finishing my degree and (2) get some certifications to help with the job search. At some point, I passed from this into the habit of filling a semester. Didn’t even realize that I’d done it.

I don’t need full-time to accomplish my goals. I don’t multitask for crap, and a full-time class load comes with a lot of homework, and I have difficulty with being interrupted already. These realities were impressed upon me this morning, despite my desire to not acknowledge them. They’re all valid points, and I need to accept them.

I didn’t sign up for a full class load so that I could accomplish a set of goals to improve my family’s life, I did it because I wanted my stuff to matter, too. I wanted to be important, worth something, like I was when I had a job.

Catching up.

I realize that I have some catching up to do. Nevertheless, I’d like to quote something from my regular blog:

“At 10:30 AM today, I will be getting married to Nikki. We’re Justice of the Peace’ing it, and will have our big ceremony/party in September. But today… today I make the pledge, I say the words, and I give the oath.

If you’re feeling like it, go ahead and smile for me today. I will be.”

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Expecting agression

I am afraid of telling the people that I love what I want.

It only seems to really be with those I’m in a relationship with, or my blood family.  It hits me the most when I feel guilty about having done something wrong, whether or not I have.  I suppress my wants to fulfill the wants that are set before me by those mentioned above.  The really bad part of this?  I get frustrated and annoyed and irritated with it later.
This is not new.  This behavior has been with me in my marriage, and in relationships before that.  This is a cyclic behavior that, over time, amplifies irritation and frustration beyond a reasonable level, and I’m doing it to myself.  This needs to stop.
Even when I give myself a chance to breathe, I expect to have to defend myself verbally from those that I care about.  I expect agression and attacks.  Admittedly, my choices in friends and romantic interests have definitely lead toward those who have a sharp wit, and aren’t afraid to exercise it.  But, over the years, my ability to differentiate between sharp wit/banter that’s friendly and biting attacks has approached zero.
Yes, it’s a logarithm.  I used to be good at math, so sue me. :)
I’m at the point that I must remind myself that there is no reason to defend myself; I’m not being attacked.  It no longer follows, in my head, that just because someone loves me, that they will not verbally attack me.  With my memory the way it is, I have to wonder if I’ve ever been secure in that during my adult life.  My relatives, sure, my friends, yeah, but the person I’m in love with?  Why defend from the one you’re in love with?  Why not be able to show the vulnerable side?
Am I that much a slave to my past experiences in love?  Have I been hurt so many times, over and over again, that the instinct to protect myself from hurt looms taller than anything else?
And here I thought I had learned from my past, and had been exempt from repeating it.  Clearly, this is not the case.
I’ve got another chance, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let the past prevent me from having a future.
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Discomfort with endings

I have to admit something.  I’m looking forward to the court date.  I’m happy to have it, and I can’t wait for the closure that it will bring.

I’ve shared this feelings with my friends, mostly via IM, and have gotten a lot of mixed responses that I wasn’t expecting.  It dulled my excitement a bit, that my friends were sometimes put off, or were confused about how they should react, or were uncomfortable.
I could see mutual friends being uncomfortable… no, scratch that.  As far as I understand things, both parties should be looking forward to this closure.
I want to rant about this.  I want to rave.  Did some people hold hope out?  Trying to ignore that it was happening?  Trying to forget about it, or pretend it doesn’t exist?
Could be a more reasonable explanation.  Maybe people are uncomfortable with endings, especially with marriages ending.  With over half of them ending, and the statistic growing worse every year, (I now hear with absolute clarity the hollowness of the “sanctity of marriage” argument against gay marriage.) I can’t imagine that it’s something unfamiliar.
Maybe that’s the problem.  Maybe it’s happening so much, and the hope for lifelong matehood has been worn so thin, that another divorce might just snap the thread.  Maybe another one so close makes it a greater thread to hope.  I know that I was intent on it lasting for the rest of my life.  I know, at the beginning, that she was, as well.  She was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her parents, as she said it, and I was determined to emulate mine.
So, with a pledge of lifelong partnership ending far before the end of life, what value does the pledge then hold for others?  What value does it hold for me in the future?
I think maybe it’s that first question that’s bugging the people around me.
It’s the second one that is of paramount importance to me at this very moment.
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Too long, too long.

Some county clerks are extremely helpful to those that are doing this whole divorce thing without a lawyer.  Or, so I hear.  The clerks in my county, however, do not live up to that.  Maybe because I’m in the state capital, the clerks are all friends with lawyers?  This was a suggestion made to me.

I don’t think so, Tim.
I spent weeks contacting the office, with the simple goal of discovering if I had filed all of the forms that were needed to get a court date.  WEEKS.  Turns out, I did not have the correct forms filed.  Well, I had, but I had attempted to time travel, and the courts frown on anything involving a flux capacitor.
I filed the divorce in June.  The forms were all signed on the same day, before the day of filing.  One of the forms, the Answer and Waiver, is a form that says the defendant – her – doesn’t need to be officially served.  They relinquish that right.  It’s considered a literal answer to the divorce filing, and you can’t answer a filing before the filing is made.  Did they alert me when I filed the form?  No.  Did they answer my calls?  No.  Did they answer my voice mails within 24 hours?  About half of the time.  At OHMYGOD o’clock, when this second shifter was snoring away.  So, the Answer and Waiver form was re-signed, re-filed, and I spend another TWO WEEKS pestering them to find out if all of my forms were submitted.  Yes, yes, they were.
All I had to do was call and schedule a court date.  To be entirely fair, the clerk in charge of scheduling answers her phone every single time, and when I’ve called and left her a voice mail (after her stated hours, so I knew I was going to), she returned my call within my requested time frame.  This clerk gets a thumbs-up.
I have two weeks and six days of waiting until my divorce hearing.  According to the previously-mentioned awesome clerk, there is about an hour of waiting time for five minutes of court time.  Now, I have to file two documents before that date, and then bring three copies of the Judgement of Divorce to the hearing with me.
That’s right.  I get to fill out the actual Judgement.  The Judge just signs it.
Two weeks and six days. 
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Half the battle.

I have filed for divorce.

I did it.

It took two days of visits to the courthouse to make sure that I had the right paperwork and the right copies of the right paperwork, and that both the paperwork and the copies had the right seals and stamps and twirl three times in a circle… anyway, you get the idea.

The courthouse’s security is just as strict as the airport, except for the whole liquid ban thing. I mean, you can’t have a screwdriver, but you can have a lighter. Um. I think I’ll leave ranting about security theater to Bruce Schneier. He’s far better at it.

This afternoon, I filed for divorce.

I have to consult the book again, about whether the Answer & Waiver that she signed negates the need for me to serve her papers. I mean, that was the point of that sheet, right? No one seemed to know, and I didn’t want to deal with another hour and a half wait for Access to Justice, the publicly available legal pseudo-advice.

So many people are fighting over custody of their children. So many people are fighting each other, and breaking apart. There are so many broken hearts and frustrated dreams and angry people.

In comparison, I’ve got it easy.

It doesn’t feel easy.

It took me a few days to gather myself to file. I became depressed. I became petulant. I became hermit-like. I had an emotional gravitational singularity. Why was I filing, when she was the one who left? Why was I dropping 150 hard-earned dollars, when I never wanted the divorce in the first place?

I know why, now. I want freedom. I want to put it behind me. I want to grow. I want to move on. I want to be done with this, done with her.

I need time to heal. I need time without her influence in my life to become wholly me again. I need to continue deprogramming myself from the patterns that I formed in the past. I need time.

I have filed for divorce.

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