Weekly Word Count

I’ve finished the purple notebook, and started on the one that I got for Father’s Day. I’ve sullied its beauty with ink, and it still looks magnificent.

Another issue worth of Steven is done.

The fiction behind Book 2 of Steven will be hitting the writery web page soon. Look out for that, if you dig Steven. Book 2 is where it -really- starts to get twisted.

Looks like there might just be copies of The Remembrance at ConClave this year. I’m going to see what I can do to slip in some badge ribbons and send some Goblin War bookmarks, too. More details will be forthcoming as October approaches.

Pushing through the self-doubt. Pushing through the inaction. Pushing through. :)

Steven – Book 2

Steven, David’s serial shorts about an insane vampire and his cohorts, is being adapted into a comic book and is being published by Comics Obscura! And as interest seems to be high, the Short Fiction page now has the first few chapters of Book 2 posted for your reading enjoyment.

Weekly Word Count

What’s that? Another issue of Steven written? Hell yes.

Not only that, but the trip to Cleveland (Lakewood, really) was a complete success. I am now armed with scans, and can move onto the next step. is just as geeked, though running a restaurant for 10 to 12 hour shifts is tiring. Watching them work was a definite people-watching treat.

I’m focusing on wrapping up the third (and final) story arc for Steven, so I won’t be writing much else, unless I get slapped by my muse and need to write another short-short. I realized that I’ve got two of those now, and I really don’t know what to do with them. Very probably an edit and then turn them into submissions.

After that, we’ve got:
– Sequel
– Robot goodness
– Adam’s Name
– Mayan steampunk
– LARP fiction

Oh, yeah. Full plate. :)

Weekly Word Count

Two more chapters of Steven up on the fiction page. One more issue to go, and the fiction behind the first story arc will be completed.

I have fallen in love, all over again, with ‘s interpretation of my fiction. He gets Steven. What he draws oscillates between simple and detailed, and captures the crazy perfectly. I am still geeked, energized, and having to restrain myself from pestering him into oblivion.

If this gets any worse, I’m going to have to pack up my scanner and my laptop, drive to Cleveland, and pay a visit. But I’m sure that hasn’t been his plan all along. ;)

I’ve finished the next chapter of Issue 20, which was a bit difficult. Reading back over it reassures me that it flows, but I’m feeling like this third story arc is pushing the characters into a place that they wouldn’t otherwise go. And then I remembered what Steven said at the end of the last arc. And, of -course- he’d do it this way. I mean, when you get to confront Death, you’ve got to lead him on a good chase, right?

I think that Steven and Madness might be pals, if they could just stop staring at each other with those creepy smiles.

Weekly Word Count

Next two chapters of Steven are up over at the fiction page! Issue 5 of the first 7-issue story arc includes two chapters. One shows Steven becoming upset when the voices in his head become quiet. The second involves a mystical revelation followed up by a character from Steven’s past, the Magus.

is making a surprise visit tonight, so I will get to drool over the pre-inked first issue. Am I excited? Well, yeah. :)

Also, on the About Me page, I’ve added in a widget from Good Reads that shows you what I’m currently reading. I’ll do my best to keep that updated, and to review what I’ve read as I finish it.

Fashion vs. Crazy Vampires

When did sweater-dresses over stretch pants come back as a fashion? This hurts my brain.

In completely unrelated news, the next two chapters of Steven fiction is live over at the site. The first story arc covers seven issues, and these chapters make up Issue 4. Once I’ve finished posting them, I think I’ll hold a poll to see if people are still interested in continuing to read the fiction before the ink hits the glossy paper.

Or I’ll just keep posting it.

Whichever. :)

Of course, any feedback is more than welcome, it’s encouraged. Does Steven interest you? Squick you? Make you throw your hands up in the air? Is there something about him that you hate? Something that made you stop reading? Honest feedback gets a gold star. :)

There’s a Steven site? Who knew?

So, there’s this web site over at http://steven.davidmcrampton.com/ that used to have its own domain. When the Steven project started up, I was intending on creating an entire independent comics publishing company. Well, when the project sputtered, and came close to dying, that didn’t happen. It’s nice, though, when I’m proven right about there being a void to fill for that sort of thing, locally. It’s even better when I’m proven right with -quality- art and writing.

Enter Comics Obscura. Just take a few minutes to browse.

Lansing-based. Amazing artwork. Quality writing. Yes, I have all three issues. And yes, I’m at least going to be picking up the Tao of Snarky when it gets out there as its own issue.

Did I mention that it’s in Lansing? Michigan? As in, where I live?

I’m incredibly happy and excited for these guys, and only half because I have my own nefarious plans for them. In unrelated news, I’ve removed all of the publication company logos and text from the Steven site… the one with the URL up top. I updated the bios a bit, removed defunct email addresses, and posted a nice ranty rant on the front page. I’ve linked to the Steven fiction that’s being posted up on the main site and plotted out the history of the idea on the About Us page. I even flexed my newbish muscles at graphic creation in coming up with a new logo.

Needless to say, I hate it. I’ll come up with something else soon, no doubt.

It should trouble me more, I think, that I haven’t been able to get in touch with . Him being the artist, and all. But it doesn’t. I’ll get a hold of him soon.