This post started with the mood “sick.” Since I’m feeling much better now (“She turned me into a newt!”), I figure this mood setting is appropriate.
It’s difficult to think about this weekend without thinking about hating my stomach and all of the things it can goat my digestive tract into doing. This flu seems to have a three- to four-day incubation period, so if you feel a bit light-headed about three days after we hung out, and then hug the toilet, you can feel free to blame me.
Other than that, I had a wonderful time at Grandma’s 80th b-day party. I hope everybody’s Easter went well. Mine was spent working on the novel and being generally thankful for a restful stomach.
Reminder: The end date for pre-orders for the novel release party in Detroit and the signing in Lansing is Wed., April 19th. We will have extras there for purchase, but are shooting in the dark when it comes to how many extra to order.
The teaser is finished. The final red-pen is finished. The final edit is finished. The text is ready to go. The cover art is ready to go (thanks