In the interest of writing every day…

Today has been a -good- day.

I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I haven’t felt my spirit this light, the smile on my face, the outlook happy…. I just haven’t had as -good- of a day in a long time. Not even work has brought me down.

I pulled myself out of bed after only hitting the snooze bar once. Only once! I was motivated, let me tell you. After a couple of successful Great Zero runs last night, I had gone to bed a little late, but I still got out of bed without caffeine. I got showered and ready for the day, spent some time with the dog, and ate a cup of Jello. Always room for it, you know.

swung by and picked me up, and we headed to Eastwood Towne Center to meet up with and Scott. What were we doing there? Going to NCG to see the TRANSFORMERS MOVIE. That’s right. Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg did NOT eviscerate my childhood. This is an AMAZING movie. Go and see it. Seriously. If you’re a kid at any age, you will enjoy it. It is so very difficult to refrain from spoilers, but I will return the kindness that has been paid to me. :)

I’ll be selling ‘s last 21″ monitor tomorrow, and will be getting rid of one of our 17″ ones on Friday. I have four packages of gaming books ready to ship out to eBay customers. The Stuff Exodus begins again! :)

So, yeah. This has been a really good day. Also, go see the movie. For serious.

Die, Clown!!

The ultimate of evil can be seen here, in the form that we all endured (some more coherently than others) last night. Said horror of the universe provided a mode of transportation (among giggling about getting pulled over) for myself and . Luckily, with the world warping in the ways induced by Jose Quervo (who apologized to me personally, and in Spanish) I was immune to the evil radiating from the aforementioned clown.

Ruminations and ponderings have begun about the little bout with self-destructiveness yesterday. The gears and cogs inside my being are still rotating, but the noise they make is no longer so frenzied. It seems more ominous and foreboding. The culmination of the slow rising of energy hasn’t hit me yet, but it’s on its way, and may be right around the next corner.

Training Day has me thinking about urban tribalism again. Later on tonight, watching The Sopranos probably won’t help get me out of the mindset, but it might push my brain in some new directions. The concept of such things has been romantic to me for quite some time, if only because I would most likely not survive in such an environment.

Renting Anime

I rented Cowboy Bebop from 21st Century on Thursday, and I haven’t had the chance to watch it till now. I’d seen the 2nd or 3rd DVD about six months ago at one of their anime nights, but I’d forgotten most of it, so I thought I’d see the whole series through.


The soundrack is orgasmic. The plot is fantastic. And this one for : Boobies getting shot up.

Three or four years ago, my life was filled with LARP drama. Who said this, who was going to take down which LARP. Hell, when I left Fortress, I knew such bullshit was happening and didn’t make an effort to stop it. Someone has attempted to start it again, and I am not pleased.

There are two strong storytellers at Fortress of the Mind’s Eye, and there is nothing to fear. Nothing can kick us out of our location, because the owner and the employees love us. They support us as we support them. The one that came over to our LARP to start the bullshit, will be told in person that he is no longer welcome at the Fortress LARP. If he insists on staying, he will be thrown out.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS. Do NOT strut your shit when I am in the mood to burn your eye out with the clove I am smoking. Do NOT call one of my best friends a liar, because I am READY to drive to wherever you live and TEACH you respect. (Seperate issue from the LARP drama, but I have the same reaction toward it.) DO NOT ENCROACH UPON MY TERRITORY IF YOU HAVE ILL WILL. You will be dealt with.

Sifu, I am ready to start lessons again.

Calm. Breathe. Calm. Game was excellent last night. IPM was excellent Friday night, and I may be down there much of Labor Day weekend participating in the IPM events. I did get lost around 8 Mile and Woodward, and they weren’t kidding about those hookers. My trunk supply is refreshed, which is always a good thing. Weaver noticed me smoking last night. I wonder how long before he asks what happened. Thank the Gods for intelligent people.

Sean Kennedy said: “Why would you kill yourself if you’ve been being picked on at school? You have a gun to your own head, why would you pull the trigger? YOU HAVE A GUN!! Don’t kill YOURSELF! Kill OTHER PEOPLE!” There was a lot said in that rant about society asking how something horrible like this could happen… and people shouldn’t blame society, they should blame their own kids. When you’re in high school, that’s all that exists. That’s your entire universe. Parents don’t think about how their own children could do the horrible things that they do to those that don’t fit in. They don’t think about how maybe some of these kids deserved what they got. Repercussions for your own actions and all that. Darwinism in action. If you feel like killing yourself, why not kill other people? Then you go to prison for the rest of your life. Sometimes, after my own high school experience, I may have preferred prison to High School. I didn’t swallow those sleeping pills. I didn’t kill anyone else either. Sometimes, though, I wonder…. What do you think?

I need to call Mark about that TV.

Job interview went well. I am so worried about getting my hopes up about a job that I will really, really like… They’re narrowing down the applicants to five or six, and then running a set of second interviews. I have my fingers crossed. Their salary people get time and a half for all overtime. Craziness.

Tonight, I see Reign of Fire again. This time, with Genny. :)

Finding out that many Robots in Disguse Transformers are now on clearance (to make room for the Armada series) is not a good thing for my wallet.

I need to get my living room set up in a way that roX0rs pretty soon. Hrm.


Pain, releif, disappointment mixed with expectedness. Simultaneous feeling of accomplishment and temporary failure understanding the energy of rooms. Good discussion, re-inforcement of why I am friends with .

I woke up with, I think, the worst hangover I’ve ever had. Well, this happened gradually as I woke up in three-hour intervals all night (and day) long. It was noon when I realized that I was supposed to be at the movie theater at 1:55 to see Reign of Fire with . I got ready, drove to my old apartment, and left him a voice mail. I went to the theater, realized he wasn’t going to show up, and watched the movie.

Good movie. Like a glimpse into the lives of real people, with real backgrounds that they don’t have the time to explain in detail, in situations that demand that superhuman thing that rests dormant in so many of us.

Headed to Mike and Seth’s to pick up my sunglasses. I watched them play Warcraft 3 against each other while I downed 200 mg of Ibuprofin and sipped water.

Theio’s and reading. Plans for a possible Mage tabletop game. Finally started to feel better. I returned home and arranged furniture. My bedroom is almost perfect. The living room and dining area are definitely not. Went and talked with about a lot of things. I am thankful for an opinion that I cannot reason out when thinking about things. Somehow, because I can’t follow the logic behind it, credibility results. Hrm.

Now I’m home (*contented sigh*). I didn’t pick up the kitchen stuff or the TV or the microwave, like I told Scott I would. Tomorrow, then, after Kung Fu lessons. It’s not like I don’t have the opportunity to take my time on this.

Catching up some more.

Saturday. Let’s run down the major things:

Neon Genesis Evangelion. I have 3 DVD’s which have all the episodes up to the movie. And the movie. Dear god. *shudder* Good… anime…. *drool*

Labrynth. I have found that I absolutely DESPISE Goth-a-Billy. I probably hate Rock-a-Billy too. I have two things to say to Cult of the Psychic Fetus: 1. Give the Beach Boys back their riffs. Or I’ll slap you with that fucking candelabra. 2. I wrote your lyrics when I was in high school. Oh, wait, no, I never wanted to boink a corpse. YOU ARE NOT SCARY. Where’s that candelabra….. it’s a good thing Voltaire was awesome, or I would have had to set fire to something. Heheheh… that dude has more game than anybody I’ve ever seen.

City Club. Man, I missed raves. And I missed City Club. It HAD to be a rave at City Club. People rolling all over the place, e-tards lined up in a row on my people-watching seats (luckily there was still enough room for this fat man), and so much beautiful oontzy bumpy music. Sternum-shaking bass. Between the Lab and CC, I saw about a gazillion LJ peoples. I even saw , but didn’t bug her because she seemed busy with her retinue.

I have to get out to Detroit more often. BTW, ‘s skirt was orange. :)