It is October, after all. Hunter has H1N1. He also has the antiviral, Tamiflu. So, we will see.
wrenched her back Sunday night, diving after the baby that I stupidly left on my recliner. He’s mobile now, dummy, he’ll pull himself off of the chair! She’d already been in some hip and back pain, and this sent it into the stratosphere, so there was an emergency room trip on Monday morning.
All of the pain killers and muscle relaxers won’t allow her to get up out of her chair on her own. They wouldn’t give us an MRI at Sparrow St. Lawrence, because she doesn’t have recommendation from her primary care physician. Her PCP through Medicaid took six months (not an exaggeration) to get an appointment. We’re not sure if he’d take her now anyway, because Medicaid dropped her. She can’t get back on Medicaid because our case worker won’t get back to us, even for us to let her know that I got a job. And my insurance doesn’t kick in until January.
Yeah, our health system rocks. *shakes head*
Hunter has the H1N1 flu. We actually had a really good experience at Lansing Urgent Care last night, after which I spent an hour and a half driving around like a madman, getting cut off by every other single driver on the road while I got his Tamiflu prescription filled within the time window for it to be effective.
I need to get to Linn & Owen Jewelers in downtown to get an estimate on fixing my pocket watch.
Earlier this week, I got two five-page sections of webcomic script written. I purchased the domain, set up the web space, installed WordPress, installed the ComicPress theme/template/wossname, and did some mild configuration of it. We’re shooting for going live with the intro page on 01.01.10, with weekly updates after that. Oh yesh.
I’ve gone through the work I’ve done on the Glass Crown, and I’ve updated the chapter outlines to match. Things feel more focused now, and I need to get the “finished” Chapter 6 out to my alpha readers.
MMO temptation continues. Playing with would be fun, but Eve looks plain awesome, but I really should catch up on those Myst games that I bought, not to mention I’m still getting through Final Fantasy VII… Or I could continue the writing momentum. Huh.
Speaking of writing momentum, I will not be joining NaNoWriMo this year. I have too many projects started, but never finished. Neil Gaiman said that anyone can start a novel… it takes a writer to finish. I’m determined to finish again. Mantra, anyone? :)